Catching up with this site..
It is amazing how much can happen in a year. So much that I spend more time reading than I do blogging. I have not been updating this site since it was last hackedand brought down. And now? Now is the time for me to kick up another gear and all the documents, all the videos and all the audio and compile it to this site. lol. God help me.
But here it is.
If your wondering what happened, and why this site. In a knut-shell. Illiniois is corrupt, I have had enough, Black-Fathers are being forsakened, destroying our youth and the Governor, Justices, Judicial Board, are all to blame. Not that Im maing this all up, I do have all the evidence I need to prove they are, well .. corrupt, and to inform the People of Illinois of its government.
So in the next coming week I will be updating and blogging and carrying on with this bull-shit injustice. If you are or know a black father in the state of illinois, who feel forsaken or just wonder how can this happen -repeatedly, then please share this site, my name with them.
Sincerely, Edward Habrick
aka. Lalo Hambrick-Day
Thank you for your legacy. I will not be afraid.

I will commit in your legacy to see that the government change to be fair to all people, honor it’s truthful history and fine tune a system of justice that serves for all people.
Thank you for your legacy, and fighting for equal rights.